Reporting Guidelines (external use)

All reports are a csv file and the timezone UTC at all times.

All reports will be placed on the SFTP. Reports that have no transactions will be placed on the SFTP but will be empty with no records.

All Settlement reports are also available as Recon Report to reconcile the previous day or any other given timeframe. See details below the table

Sample Reports:






Report TypeDescriptionSyntaxFrequencyDate / Time FrameDate Range SampleReport generated at time
Settlement Report -31 days

This report is being used when the settlement happens after the regular acquirer settlement in Brazil which is 30 days after the transaction has happened.

At PrimeiroPay we pay you on the 30th day from 3pm UTC to the next day 3pm UTC. As a part of our Transparency policy trading will happen at 3pm UTC daily, so you can monitor the FX rates.


The time stamp in the report name refers to when the transaction happened, not to the date when the report was generated

Every Monday the report syntax changes to 

as there is no FX trading possible during the weekend.

Daily on weekdays after initial 31 days

31 days before report generated

Timeframe fixed to: 3pm UTC to 3pm UTC next day

Report Date: October 1

Transaction Date: July 31 3pm UTC to August 1 3pm UTC

Settlement Report previous day

As a part of our Transparency policy trading will happen at 3pm UTC daily, so you can monitor the FX rates.

That means transactions will include transactions from the previous day 3pm to today 3pm

Fields in a settlement report:
Company Account,Merchant Account,Psp Reference,Merchant Reference,Payment Method,Creation Date,TimeZone,Type,Modification Reference,Gross Currency,Gross Debit (GC),Gross Credit (GC),Exchange Rate,Net Currency,Net Debit (NC),Net Credit (NC),Commission (NC),Markup (NC),Scheme Fees (NC),Interchange (NC),Payment Method Variant,Modification Merchant Reference,Batch Number,Installments,Card Holder,Reserved6,Reserved7,Reserved8,Reserved9,Reserved10,TAXSTATEMENT


Every Monday the report syntax changes to 

Daily on weekdaysTimeframe fixed to: 3pm UTCp previous day to 3pm UTC today

Report Date: October 2

Transaction Date: October 1 3pm UTC to October 2 3pm UTC

Settlement Report previous half month

Settlement that happens bi-weekly without the 30 day delay of settlement of the acquirer

Fields in a settlement report:
Company Account,Merchant Account,Psp Reference,Merchant Reference,Payment Method,Creation Date,TimeZone,Type,Modification Reference,Gross Currency,Gross Debit (GC),Gross Credit (GC),Exchange Rate,Net Currency,Net Debit (NC),Net Credit (NC),Commission (NC),Markup (NC),Scheme Fees (NC),Interchange (NC),Payment Method Variant,Modification Merchant Reference,Batch Number,Installments,Card Holder,Reserved6,Reserved7,Reserved8,Reserved9,Reserved10,TAXSTATEMENT


Transactions between October 1 to October 15 when report runs on Oct 16

Settlement Report previous month

Settlement that happens for all transactions of the previous month without the 30 day delay of settlement of the acquirer

Fields in a settlement report:
Company Account,Merchant Account,Psp Reference,Merchant Reference,Payment Method,Creation Date,TimeZone,Type,Modification Reference,Gross Currency,Gross Debit (GC),Gross Credit (GC),Exchange Rate,Net Currency,Net Debit (NC),Net Credit (NC),Commission (NC),Markup (NC),Scheme Fees (NC),Interchange (NC),Payment Method Variant,Modification Merchant Reference,Batch Number,Installments,Card Holder,Reserved6,Reserved7,Reserved8,Reserved9,Reserved10,TAXSTATEMENT

MerchantID_ReportID_SETTLEMENT_SETTLEMENT_PREVIOUS_MONTH_report_YYYY-MM-DDmonthly, 10th of each month24hrsAll transactions of the previous calendar month8.00-8.59am
Settlement Report month before previous month

Regular settlement term for a full calendar month after funds are received in full from the acquirer for that calendar month

Fields in a settlement report:
Company Account,Merchant Account,Psp Reference,Merchant Reference,Payment Method,Creation Date,TimeZone,Type,Modification Reference,Gross Currency,Gross Debit (GC),Gross Credit (GC),Exchange Rate,Net Currency,Net Debit (NC),Net Credit (NC),Commission (NC),Markup (NC),Scheme Fees (NC),Interchange (NC),Payment Method Variant,Modification Merchant Reference,Batch Number,Installments,Card Holder,Reserved6,Reserved7,Reserved8,Reserved9,Reserved10,TAXSTATEMENT

MerchantID_ReportID_SETTLEMENT_MONTH_BEFORE_PREVIOUS_MONTH_report_YYYY-MM-DDmonthly, 10th of each month24hrs

Report Date: October 1

Transaction Date: August 1 to August 31

Settlement Report half month before previous month

Settlement that happens bi-weekly after the full refunds are received from the acquirer

Fields in a settlement report:
Company Account,Merchant Account,Psp Reference,Merchant Reference,Payment Method,Creation Date,TimeZone,Type,Modification Reference,Gross Currency,Gross Debit (GC),Gross Credit (GC),Exchange Rate,Net Currency,Net Debit (NC),Net Credit (NC),Commission (NC),Markup (NC),Scheme Fees (NC),Interchange (NC),Payment Method Variant,Modification Merchant Reference,Batch Number,Installments,Card Holder,Reserved6,Reserved7,Reserved8,Reserved9,Reserved10,TAXSTATEMENT


Report Date: October 1

Transaction Date: August 16 to August 31

Chargeback & Refund Report

The chargeback report is a report that contains all Chargebacks and Refunds to reconsile / treat them. Refunds also may happen due to Fraud Alerts (see below)

Fields in a payment reports:

PSP Transaction ID, Merchant Transaction ID, Payment Brand, Purchase Amount, Purchase Currency, Net Amount Net, Currency Transaction, Timestamp, Country Code, Refund Reason

Merchantname_ReportID_daily_CHARGEBACK_report_YYYY-MM-DDDailyPrevious day (24hrs)

Report Date October 2

Transaction Date: October 1 00.00 UTC to 23.59 UTC

7.00-7.59am UTC
Payment Report

The payment report gives an overview about successful transactions of the previous day. It does not contain any information on Foreign Exchange, Commission (Processing Fee) or any other additional information a Settlement Report provides.

Fields in a payment reports:

PSP Transaction ID, Merchant Transaction ID, Payment Brand, Purchase Amount, Purchase Currency, Net Amount Net, Currency Transaction, Timestamp, Country Code

Merchantname_ReportID_daily_PAYMENT_report_YYYY-MM-DDDailyPrevious day (24hrs)

Report Date October 2

Transaction Date: October 1 00.00 UTC to 23.59 UTC

5.00-5.59am UTC
Aggregated Settlement Report

The aggregate settlement detail report provides a summary specification of all settlements, for example, funds paid out by us in a certain period. It is intended to allow you to perform balance-level reconciliation of funds received against the day of sale.

While the Settlement Report provides this for each settlement batch on a transaction level (for each merchant account), the aggregate settlement report can be run both on merchant account and company account level. It includes all batches closed in the chosen period, summarized by merchant account, store, payment method, the day of sale and settlement batch.


Settlement / Recon Report Fields:

If the field value is null it means it is empty and will never be filled.

Company Account: Your MerchantID with PrimeiroPay
Merchant Account: Your MerchantID with PrimeiroPay
Psp Reference: Our Unique ID for this transaction
Merchant Reference: Your TransactionID
Alt Merchant Reference: In case of Adyen, you will see your TransactionID here and Adyen's PSP Reference in the Merchant Reference
Payment Method: Card Brands such as VISA, MASTER, AMEX, ELO
Creation Date: Transaction Time Stamp of the transaction
TimeZone: UTC
Type: settled, refunded or chargeback (in case of Recon report: sentforsettle)
Modification Reference: In case of a Refund or Chargeback you will see here the PSP Reference of the original transaction
Gross Currency: BRL
Gross Debit (GC): Value in XX.XX for Chargebacks and Refunds
Gross Credit (GC): Vlaue in XX.XX for Successful transactions
Exchange Rate: Exchange Rate applied for this transaction
Net Currency: Your Payout Currency, e.g. EUR, USD, GPB, BRL, ...
Net Debit (NC): Deduction of Chargebacks and Refunds from your Payout in your Net Currency
Net Credit (NC): Payout to you in your Net Currency after our Commission
Commission (NC): Our Commission in Net Currency
Markup (NC): Markup charges of us in Net Currency if applicable
Brazilian Taxes (NC): In case of domestic merchants that get settled locally, the applicable taxes will be shown here
Interchange (NC): null
Payment Method Variant: Same as Payment Method
Modification Merchant Reference: same as Modification Reference
Batch Number: Batch number that will be used for settlement to you
Installments: Number of Installments used
Card Holder: Name of the Card holder
Reserved6: null
Reserved7: null
Reserved8: null
Reserved9: null
Reserved10: null
TAXSTATEMENT: Tax Identification number of the shopper, in case of Brazil "CPF"

Payment Report Fields:

PSP Transaction ID: Our Unique transactionID 
Merchant Transaction ID: Your TransactionID
Payment Brand: Card Brands such as VISA, MASTER, AMEX, ELO
Purchase Amount: Gross Amount in BRL
Purchase Currency: BRL
Net Amount: Payout in BRL after our commission
Net Currency : BRL
Transaction Timestamp: Time of the transaction, in case of Refund or chargeback, time of chargeback or Refund
Country Code: provided by the merchant

Chargeback Report Fields:

PSP Transaction ID: Our Unique transactionID 
Merchant Transaction ID: Your TransactionID
Payment Brand: Card Brands such as VISA, MASTER, AMEX, ELO
Purchase Amount: Gross Amount in BRL
Purchase Currency: BRL
Net Amount: Payout in BRL after our commission
Net Currency : BRL
Transaction Timestamp: Time of the transaction, in case of Refund or chargeback, time of chargeback or Refund
Country Code: provided by the merchant
Refund Reason: In case you have activated the Fraud Alert with PrimeiroPay, there will be a value "Fraud Alert" with every Refund that were refunded by PrimeiroPay because of a Fraud Alert.