Disputes Report
All Brazilian transactions disputes will be informed in a report called Disputes Report.
This report will be placed in the merchant’s home folder in our SFTP (same folder merchant`s already receive other reports) and will contain all information about the disputes, including UniqueID, merchant transaction id, amount, dispute reason, dispute expiry date and a status – Open, Win, Lose.
Name | Description | Format | Example |
Record Type | The type of the record line. Can be Chargeback Second Chargeback, Chargeback Reversal | AN [a-zA-Z0-9_] | Chargeback |
Psp Reference | Unique id of the transaction related to the dispute | AN [a-zA-Z0-9_] | 8a83948355021710015507ccee0869a1 |
Merchant Reference | Reference for the transaction sent by merchant | AN [a-zA-Z0-9_] | c4345h534aVwJE |
Payment Method | Brand of the card | AN [a-zA-Z0-9_] | VISA |
Payument Date | Date of when the transaction happened in UTC | MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:DD timezone (+/-HH:MM) | 12/23/2019 16:28:41 UTC(+00:00) |
CB Notification Case Number | Identification of the dispute at the acquirer | AN [a-zA-Z0-9_] | 2791QAT326851 |
Reason Code | Reason code of the dispute | NNN.NNN.NNN | 000.100.222 |
Dispute Reason | Description of the reason code | AN [a-zA-Z0-9_] | Transaction Not Recognized By Cardholder |
Payment Amount | Amount of original transaction | N13[0- 9]{1,10}\.[0 -9]{2} | 54.12 |
Payment Currency | Currency of the original transaction using ISO4217 | A3 [a-zA-Z] | BRL |
Dispute amount | Amount of the dispute | N13[0- 9]{1,10}\.[0 -9]{2} | 54.12 |
Dispute Currency | Currency of the original transaction using ISO4217 | A3 [a-zA-Z] | BRL |
Psp Notified At | Date of when PrimeiroPay was notified | MM/DD/YYYY | 12/23/2019 |
Connector Tx Id | Transaction ID of the acquirer | AN [a-zA-Z0-9_] | 10551804345FV948MMVD |
Shopper Name | Shopper name informed in the original transaction | AN [a-zA-Z0-9_] | José Silva |
Shopper email | Shopper email informed in the original transaction | AN [a-zA-Z0-9_] | |
Shopper IP | Shopper IP informed in the original transaction | AN [a-zA-Z0-9_] | |
Shopper Country | Shopper Country informed in the original transaction | AN [a-zA-Z] | BR |
Card Bin | First 6 digits of the card | N6[0- 9] | 411111 |
ThreeD Directory Response | Acqurer response for 3d directory, when available | AN [a-zA-Z0-9_] | A |
ThreeD Authentication Response | Acqurer response for 3d authentication, when available | AN [a-zA-Z0-9_] | Y |
Cvc2 Response | Acqurer response for CVC2 matching, when available | AN [a-zA-Z0-9_] | Y |
Avs Response | Cvc2 mathcing Response | N2[0- 9]{1,10}\.[0 -9]{2} | 12 |
Dispute Expiry | Date and time of when the dispute will be open and accepting defense materials. | MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:DD timezone (+/-HH:MM) | 12/30/2019 16:28:41 UTC(+00:00) |
Final Outcome | Open for new rtransactions, Win or Lose for when you win or lose a dispute. | AN [a-zA-Z0-9_] | Win |
Sending defense documents
Merchants can send their dispute documents by uploading the files to the folder /Disputes in your SFTP. We accept one file per transaction in PDF format with a limit of 7 MB.
The file has to use the following naming specification:
Uniqueid_[optional merchant naming]
Example: For a merchant that wants to add a date and their merchantID, this would be the file name:
For more information on how to access our SFTP, contact your Account Manager.