Pago Efectivo is a server to server only and can be used in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador.
You are free and encourage to use their brand in your website, but you have to follow their guidelines below:
Country | Currency Accepted |
Colombia | COP |
Ecuador | USD |
Peru | PEN, USD |
Transaction Types | Meaning | Success return codes |
PA | Successful generation of the Oxxo payment slip. The shopper can go and pay for it at any Oxxo store in Mexico. | 000.000.000 000.100.112 (on staging) |
RC | Successful payment of the Oxxo payment slip. The payment of the Oxxo slip is asynchronous and hence the confirmation will usually come in within 1-3 business days | 000.000.000 |
Initial Request
//send POST to //Header -H "Authorization: Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTg0ZTczNjAxMj1234E2YTE1YjB8ZjJGRUtacXRCUA==" //API credentials entityId=8a8294174ae8145684aedfd75aa1d79 //entityId without authentication" //API credentials end amount=10.00 paymentType=PA currency=COL merchantTransactionId=123456 paymentBrand=PAGO_EFECTIVO customParameters[CUSTOM_due_date]=23032020 122343 //optional. DDMMAAAA HHMMSS. If not set, default is 3 days. customParameters[DOCTYPE]=DNI //optional. Can be one of the following: DNI (Documento nacional de identidad),PAR (Partida),PAS (Pasaporte),LMI (Libreta militar),NAN (another type) customParameters[DOCNUMBER]=21321321321354 //14 digits, numeric only. //optional, phone number with country code. If sent, will be used to send SMS reminders by Pago_Efectivo. // optional. customer.givenName=Peter //optional customer.surname=Prado //optional billing.postcode=232424//optional -> ALWAYS USE EC AS COUNTRY, EVEN IF THE SHOPPER IS IN ANOTHER COUNTRY. shopperResultUrl= //Although there is no re-direct back from the Boleto to your shop, our API requires this parameter to be present testMode=EXTERNAL |
Successful Response
{ "type":"PAYMENT", "payload":{ "id":"8ac7a49f6855fc5801685805636585566", "paymentType":"PA", "paymentBrand":"PAGO_EFECTIVO", "amount":"10.0", "currency":"COL", "presentationAmount":"10.0", "presentationCurrency":"COL", "descriptor":"9201.9521.3874", "merchantTransactionId":"123456", "result":{ "code":"000.100.112", "description":"Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode'", "randomField983954327":"Please allow for new unexpected fields to be added" }, "resultDetails":{ "ExtendedDescription":"Solicitud exitosa", "AcquirerResponse":"100", "ConnectorTxID1":"2315324" }, "billing":{ "country":"EC" }, "authentication":{ "entityId":"8a82941865d7e66c0165e76a6d861c1e" }, "redirect":{ "url":"", "method":"GET", "parameters":[] }, "timestamp":"2019-01-16 19:00:25+0000", "ndc":"8a82941865d7e66c0165e76a6d861c1e_171ecf9107ae48a4a751bb85490c94fe", "merchantAccountId":"8a82941865d7e66c0165e76c483f1c26" } } |
Re-directing the shopper
From the success response you will be able to extract the URL to where you re-direct the shopper to in order to display the Pago-Efectivo slip itself. Please note that the staging environment of the bank may show an error from time to time instead of the actual payment slip.
Retrieve notifications when the Pago-Efectivo slip is paid
Please refer to section webhooks
{"type":"PAYMENT","payload":{"id":"8ac7a49f6855fc58016858092e4d6e26","paymentType":"RC","paymentBrand":"PAGO-EFECTIVO","amount":"10.0","currency":"COL","presentationAmount":"10.0","presentationCurrency":"COL","descriptor":"9201.9521.3874","merchantTransactionId":"123456","result":{"code":"000.100.112","description":"Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode'","randomField983954327":"Please allow for new unexpected fields to be added"},"resultDetails":{"ExtendedDescription":"Transaction succeeded","AcquirerResponse":"00","AuthCode":"700000000001431901201900010005","ConnectorTxID1":"8ac7a49f6855fc58016858092e4d6e26"},"billing":{"country":"EC"},"authentication":{"entityId":"8a82941865d7e66c0165e76a6d861c1e"},"redirect":{"url":"","method":"GET","parameters":[{"name":"barcode","value":"700000000001431901201900010005"}]},"risk":{"score":""},"timestamp":"2019-01-16 19:00:25+0000","ndc":"8a82941865d7e66c0165e76a6d861c1e_171ecf9107ae48a4a751bb85490c94fe","merchantAccountId":"8a82941865d7e66c0165e76c483f1c26"}} |
Field specifications
Name | Description | Format | Example |
amount | Amount of the payment request. The dot is used as a decimal separator. | N13 [0- 9]{1,10}\.[0 -9]{2} | 1.00 |
currency | Currency Code according to ISO 4217 specifications of the payment request’s amount | A3 [a-zA-Z]{3} | COL |
paymentBrand | The brand specifies the method for the request | AN32 [a-zA-Z0- 9_] {1,32} | BALOTO |
paymentType | The payment type for the request | A2 | PA |
entityId | The entity for the request. (e.g. channel) | AN32 [a-zA-Z0- 9]{32} | 8a8294174ae82ada014 aedfd75aa1d79 |
merchantTransactionID | Merchant-provided reference number | AN255 [\s\S]{1,25 5} | 1234 | | Billing Country (has to be MX for Oxxo to work. | A2 | MX |