Name | Description | Format | Example |
amount | Amount of the payment request. The dot is used as a decimal separator. | N13 [0- 9]{1,10}\.[0 -9]{2} | 1.00 |
currency | Currency Code according to ISO 4217 specifications of the payment request’s amount | A3 [a-zA-Z]{3} | COL |
paymentBrand | The brand specifies the method for the request | AN32 [a-zA-Z0- 9_] {1,32} | BALOTO |
paymentType | The payment type for the request | A2 | PA |
entityId | The entity for the request. (e.g. channel) | AN32 [a-zA-Z0- 9]{32} | 8a8294174ae82ada014 aedfd75aa1d79 |
merchantTransactionID | Merchant-provided reference number | AN255 [\s\S]{1,25 5} | 1234 |
billing.country | Billing Country (has to be MX for Oxxo to work. | A2 | MX |
customParameters[CUSTOM_due_date] | optional. If not set, default is 3 days. Date and time sent is in UTC. | DDMMAAAA HHMMSS | 23032020 122343 |
customParameters[DOCTYPE] | Optional. Doc type used. Can be one of the following. DNI (Documento nacional de identidad) PAR (Partida) PAS (Pasaporte) LMI (Libreta militar) NAN (another type) | DNI (Documento nacional de identidad) PAR (Partida) PAS (Pasaporte) LMI (Libreta militar) NAN (another type) | DNI |
customParameters[DOCNUMBER] | Optional. Number of the document. | AN14 | D42342342334523 |
customer.phone | Optional, phone number with country code. If sent, will be used to send SMS reminders by PagoEfectivo. | N15 | 32523534532 |
customer.email | Optional. Customer email. | AN128 | |
customer.givenName | Optional. Customer first name. | AN | Peter |
customer.surname | Optional. Customer surename | AN | Prado |
billing.postcode | Customer postcode | AN30 | 223224 |