Style Options

The style of the payment form can be changed by setting the style option in the wpwlOption object before the payment widget is loaded. Valid options are:

    var wpwlOptions = {
        style: "card"
<script async src="{checkoutId}"></script>

Card Number and CVV placeholder styles

In order to change the style of the placeholders inside card-number and cvv, please use the option iframeStyle, according to the example below:

var wpwlOptions = {
    iframeStyles: {
        'card-number-placeholder': {
            'color': '#ff0000',
            'font-size': '16px',
            'font-family': 'monospace'
            'cvv-placeholder': {
            'color': '#0000ff',
                'font-size': '16px',
                'font-family': 'Arial'
<script async src="{checkoutId}"></script>

Detailed documentation: